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Class TParser
type TParser = class(TObject)
Parser class that will process a complete unit file and all of its include files, regarding directives. When creating this object constructor Create takes as an argument an input stream and a list of directives. Parsing work is done by calling ParseUnitOrProgram method. If no errors appear, should return a TPasUnit object with all information on the unit. Else exception is raised.
Things that parser inits in items it returns:
Of every TPasItem : Name, RawDescription, Visibility, HintDirectives, DeprecatedNote, FullDeclararation (note: for now not all items get sensible FullDeclararation, but the intention is to improve this over time; see TPasItem.FullDeclaration to know where FullDeclararation is available now).
Note to IsDeprecated: parser inits it basing on hint directive "deprecated" presence in source file; it doesn't handle the fact that @deprecated tag may be specified inside RawDescription.
Note to RawDescription: parser inits them from user's comments that preceded given item in source file. It doesn't handle the fact that @member and @value tags may also assign RawDescription for some item.
Of TPasCio: Ancestors, Fields, Methods, Properties, MyType.
Of TPasEnum: Members, FullDeclararation.
Of TPasMethod: What.
Of TPasVarConst: FullDeclaration.
Of TPasProperty: IndexDecl, FullDeclaration. PropType (only if was specified in property declaration). It was intended that parser will also set Default, NoDefault, StoredId, DefaultId, Reader, Writer attributes, but it's still not implemented.
Of TPasUnit; UsesUnits, Types, Variables, CIOs, Constants, FuncsProcs.
It doesn't init other values. E.g. AbstractDescription or DetailedDescription of TPasItem should be inited while expanding this item's tags. E.g. SourceFileDateTime and SourceFileName of TPasUnit must be set by other means.
constructor Create( const InputStream: TStream; const Directives: TStringVector; const IncludeFilePaths: TStringVector; const OnMessageEvent: TPasDocMessageEvent; const VerbosityLevel: Cardinal; const AStreamName, AStreamPath: string; const AHandleMacros: boolean); |
Create a parser, initialize the scanner with input stream S. All strings in SD are defined compiler directives.
destructor Destroy; override; |
Release all dynamically allocated memory.
procedure ParseUnitOrProgram(var U: TPasUnit); |
This does the real parsing work, creating U unit and parsing InputStream and filling all U properties.
property CommentMarkers: TStringList read FCommentMarkers write SetCommentMarkers; |
property MarkersOptional: boolean read fMarkersOptional write fMarkersOptional; |
property IgnoreLeading: string read FIgnoreLeading write FIgnoreLeading; |
property ShowVisibilities: TVisibilities
read FShowVisibilities write FShowVisibilities; |
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