Class TPasItems
type TPasItems = class(TBaseItems)
Container class to store a list of TPasItems.
property PasItemAt[constAIndex:Integer]: TPasItem read GetPasItemAt
write SetPasItemAt; |
function FindListItem(const AName: string): TPasItem; |
A comfortable routine that just calls inherited and casts result to TPasItem, since every item on this list must be always TPasItem.
procedure CopyItems(const c: TPasItems); |
Copies all Items from c to this object, not changing c at all.
procedure CountCIO(var c, i, o: Integer); |
Counts classes, interfaces and objects within this collection.
procedure RemovePrivateItems; |
Checks each element's Visibility field and removes all elements with a value of viPrivate.
procedure SortOnlyInsideItems(const SortSettings: TSortSettings); |
This calls Sort(SortSettings) for each of items on the list. It does not sort the items on this list.
procedure SortShallow; |
This sorts all items on this list by their name. Unlike SortDeep, it does not call Sort for each of these items. So "items inside items" (e.g. class methods, if this list contains TPasCio objects) remain unsorted.
procedure SetFullDeclaration(PrefixName: boolean; const Suffix: string); |
Sets FullDeclaration of every item to
Name of this item (only if PrefixName)
+ Suffix.
Very useful if you have a couple of items that share a common declaration in source file, e.g. variables or fields declared like
A, B: Integer;
property PasItemAt[constAIndex:Integer]: TPasItem read GetPasItemAt
write SetPasItemAt; |
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.